Friday, July 20, 2012

More Lies from the TFI

Last week I received word that my Great Uncle is not doing well at all and has been given limited time to live.  I grew up traveling to his house (Him and my aunt raised my cousin - their granddaughter).   I requested that the kids be able to travel out of state with me for a weekend so that I could go and visit them.  Apparently all the parents have to ok it.   B's dad said no.  That is extremely frustrating.  He doesn't want to have to worry about b on the road.  All the training says treat them like your own, take them on the trips. And then I get turned down.   So instead of going out of state, we are going to travel in state.  I don't have to have permission to do that.   And the funny thing is that we will actually be traveling the same distance/time - it will just be in state.   SO frustrating.

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