Friday, July 8, 2011

I made it through the week!  And with very little problems.  My nephew behaved extremely well and all went pretty well.   I functioned as a normal person and fed him 3 good meals each day and for the most part accomplished a lot this week..  And let me tell you we had a busy week.  Packed a lot in one week that we wouldn't have done if we see him more.  Wednesday we went to a local garden place and played in the children's area.  I was so disappointed in myself because I forgot the battery for my camera.   We went with grandma (my mom) and then went to lunch and even stayed for awhile so that grandpa could see Nephew.  
It was a fun week.  Yesterday morning, he must have woke up before me as I woke up to him holding a piece of something, later to discover he had taken apart a tripod.  :-)  Thursday was the return day and when we got to his house we went swimming with his mom.   Lots of fun.   I really enjoyed my week with my Nephew, I feel that my nephew made a lot of big steps this week (that sadly were lost when returned home).  I get to spend a few more hours with him this weekend and that excites me.   
As for the fostering/adopting thing...I am very very excited to move forward.  I will admit I was a little afraid this week would make me feel differently but it definitely did not.  I am sure that I'm am doing the right thing by fostering/adopting.  I deserve a kid and honestly would do better with out an attached man to argue with.   :-)   I just hope it all works out and quickly.  I love working with little kids.   

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