Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Trial run -continues

After sleeping 13 hrs, the nephew woke up finally.  He was extremely tired and spent most of yesterday off and on being cranky.   woo hoo.   We spent the day with family and went swimming, grilled out, played in the water at my parents, and then went to watch the fireworks- which he loved.   Nice way to spend the 4th of July.   Today though was the most fun so far.  We went to a local water park and met a bunch of family there including my cousin and her little girl.  The kids don't see each other much but they played today and both loved playing in the pool.
I also got to hold the new baby in the family so that was cool.  Really life has been going pretty good this week.   Last night nephew did not want to sleep.   We were up till 1:30am and again we are fighting sleep...well nephew is I'm not.  I'm tired.  The pool wore me out.  He slept after and I let him sleep to late again.   oops.   Tomorrow we are spending with grandma (my mom) and then thursday we head back to his house for the night.   I'm really enjoying having him here.  

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