Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One step closer!

Today was a harsh push back into reality.   I told my boss that I may miss a few more days this year due to the fact I was fostering/adopting and his response was harsh.   "Did you really think this through?  With all your evening conflicts?  I don't think you've thought this through"   Not only did he say this but he kept repeating it.  I sometimes believe I'm not one of his favorite people anyway and I'm sure if it were anyone else he would have been supportive.  It was frustrating.   Boss man I'm sure I've thought this through and yes I've really spent some time considering all this.   Just because for whatever reason boys don't like me and I'm single and a theatre teacher, doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to have kids.  I know I need to get used to it.
On the other hand I got some good news yesterday.  One of the things I've been worried about is coming up with the money to furnish the bedroom.  Baby stuff is expensive and most poeple would have a baby shower if they were having a baby.  Anyway my case worker told me that Foster families loan out and give away stuff they don't need anymore so she is going to ask around and see what she can find.  Yippee.  
At times I do doubt if this is the smartest decision with how busy I get.  However I know I'd be good for a kid and I want to raise one and shouldn't be punished because of my career.lllllll
I'm on book 4 of 6 and have just a couple more weeks left of the training part.  I still have a lot of house to clean but it's getting closer.  And I finished my Graduate classes yesterday and now only have my portfolio to finish.  I'm presenting it next week and then I'll be done!!!

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