Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A step closer

It's getting closer.  My last official class is next Monday.  I still have a couple weeks after that though filled with First Aid and the actual licensing.  I am getting nowhere on my house and feel very overwhelmed in doing so.   I need some storage space.  And motivation.  And time.  Thursday is my presentation for my Master's portfolio so that will be done.  Yea!  I have 3 more papers to write for that.  I'm so glad I am not waiting till October to do the portfolio.  Today I'm spending the day with 3 boys.  Ages 3, 5, 6.  Its hard to keep them entertained when A.  I had to get up at 4:30am to head to their house (and of course couldn't get to sleep till after 1am) and B.  it's 107 degrees outside.  Thankfully for the most part they are entertaining themselves...but I have resorted to turning on a movie....partially because I'm sooooo tired

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