Thursday, June 21, 2012

The fist 24 hours

I can already tell these two are going to be an 'interesting' set.   They both seem to be very capable and both will eat so that's a level up from the last set.    Yesterday was interesting.   We ventured to the stores and bought some clothes.  This did not go to badly.  We met my mom for lunch and we discovered how much G will just wonder off.   She is going to be an interesting challenge.  She is very bossy, hits her brother (and adults) and just goes where she wants.  She definitely does not understand the word no and really doesn't listen very well at all.   She's also very loud in public.   Yesterday some interesting things happened.
   - We found out she wonders and started the day refusing to hold hands or really be touched much.
   - she is sort of potty trained.  She does have accidents.   However she needs to be watched or she will pull out an entire roll of toilet paper.
- She does not do well in public.  Likes to scream and be extremely loud.
- She likes babies.
-  She opens everything in the shopping cart.  She took the new zippy cups out of their package and tried to open other things.

B is also loud.   He tends to hit and I have to watch that.   He copies a lot of what sister does.   He walks and eats, but is very clumsy.    Everything goes in his mouth.

B took an instant liking to my mom and dad.   G didn't mind my mom, but isn't sure about my dad.   She practically sat on me during dinner which made it very hard to eat.    

Today we went to the store to purchase some fun activity things to take with us to my friends house this afternoon.   G opened a container of bubbles and dumped them out on the floor and all over her right in front of an employee.  So I carried most everything in my hands throughout the store, which isn't easy when you are pushing a cart with two kids who are getting into everything.

Today we are going to my friend's house so I can take pics of the twins.  It will be interesting to see how they interact with the older kids.  Hopefully they do well.  There will be 7 kids in the house with my two.  Should be interesting.

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