Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Ahh I feel as if I can breath.  The house is quiet, the kids are gone, the pets are sleeping.  Yesterday I got permission to take the kids to daycare.  They can go 8 hours a day for a break for me and I'm sooooo happy about it.   Today was the first day.  I just dropped them off.  Neither kid cried so that was awesome.   It probably helped that their rooms were eating breakfast and both kids were hungry.    I think this will be really good for them.  I must say I'm a big fan of daycare or at least the one I take kids to.  It's a business not a home daycare and I'm ok with that, especially for kids in the foster care that really really need structure.  I am a fan for the following
  - The staff at this place is amazing and they work with the kids and I see amazing improvement with each of them.
- Daycare helps the kids get socialized and learn boundaries outside of the home.  They learn to take turns, interact, and many skills I may miss when teaching them.    I think it helps them educationally too.  This daycare has activities planned, specific guidelines, and order of learning.   They are finding new ways to teach letters, colors, shapes, and manners.
- Daycare gives me a break or allows me to work.    I need some quiet time.  I'm not cut out to be a full time stay at home mom.  I think I'm a great mom, but not a 24/7 mom.   And being single, daycare gives the kids a chance to learn from someone other than just me.  

Hopefully this will quickly help improve both of these kids to where I don't feel like I'm getting on them constantly.  I'm trying so hard to keep them busy and to find things to praise them for so I'm not reprimanding them constantly.  I was even trying to find activities where they would have the freedom to do what they liked.  Yesterday we went to the park and as long as they stayed where I could see them, I let them go.   G took off her shoes and I didn't say anything.  So they get dirty, my tub works.   I have so much cleaning I have to do today.  Ack.

Here is a picture of the cloud dough we made and played with the other day.  It was fun and messy.

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