Saturday, June 16, 2012

Do They Really Know What they are doing?

I am doubting TFI's ability everyday as I get further in this process.   It's becoming frustrating and really not worth the time.   In the past two weeks I have received several calls and not one of them has worked out.  First here are some problems on my end..

  • I was on vacation
  •  My license says 0-6 and I really only want 0-3, though there is supposedly a note on my paperwork that says would prefer 3 and under.   I also have by now talked to every person at the intake office and said "I have a crib and a toddler bed"  And by the way I am going to change that on my license if I decide to renew.
  • I am at a point I am unwilling to purchase more furniture due to cost and lack of space.
Now on my paperwork I know it should list I have one room, 0-6 age, two children, oh and I'm single.
Problems on their end.
I keep getting calls for children that should never be even called about here.  I'm also tired of them sounding so flustered that I only have a crib and toddler bed and am unwilling or unable to magically make other furniture appear.  I have received calls for:
  • an autistic child that they have problems taking in to public (really you want to put this child in a single home- how am I supposed to buy groceries and um work)
  • three times they have called about sibling sets that have 3 or more children that they want to keep together.
  • twice they have called with a 4 and 6 year old combination
  • About they 5th call into vacation they called about an emergency pair (HELLO I"M IN OUT OF STATE)  I know I'd already talked to that person once that day.
  • One of the calls was about a 6yr old, I said I don't have a bed (BTW I don't have toys or clothes or a carseat or anything else for a 6yr old) and they woman said it was ok, he was actually a difficult child anyway....really....really?
  • Tonight I received a call about a 1 and 5 year old, who then she (the person calling) had to go and get permission for them to stay in the same room since there is such an age gap (I actually said ok, that I'd work on getting another bed but it wouldn't happen tonight) only to receive a call back that the 1 year old was not the same sex as the 5 yr old so they would have to be in different rooms-----can they not read at TFI?
Another huge issue I have currently with TFI is that they give access to their resource homes (aka saps like me) that lists children who need placement so that we can also call about them.  I have done so 3 times now.   
  • One was for a little girl and the guy said she didn't have placement and that I actually was next on the list to call and that he would put in there that I accepted.  I waited and even tried to call the person "in charge of her" to make sure that was going to happen. Not only did I never receive a call back from my message (they apparently do not return calls there so I'm not sure why they have answering machines), but I did not ever get that girl.  Oh and what little information is given on this website was incorrect on her.
  • Another was for a little boy, who was actually closer than the others.  He already had a placement....Do they ever update this website...The 1st child was on there for two weeks after I called and this child is still listed. 
  • Tonight I called about what I thought was a sibling pair (yes I would prefer to have one child- but there don't seem to be many that come alone).  This is what happens when you call the intake department.  Someone answers, you tell them why you are calling, they pass you off to someone else at least once if not twice to a person who is in charge of that area and if you are lucky you get a human and not their answering machine.  I am not lucky.   So I leave messages and then I never hear from them EVER.
So my question is why have this website, if it is never updated and they don't really want a person to call.   BTW there are lots of children who fall under my age level, but none of them are close to me.  I'm wondering more and more each day if TFI was the correct group to work with and if I should continue this after my license is up.   I originally got in it to adopt ( I do wish I were rich and could just adopt a newborn or that life had worked out for me not to be single), but I don't seem to be any closer to moving towards adoption.  I want a child under 1 to adopt badly, because unlike the parents whose children end up in this situation, I want to be a part of those big stepping stones (eating, walking, talking)  I think those are the best moments and I love them which is why I love working with toddlers/babies.  I am finding out that TFI does not take in many children near me and I'm sure this is a hindrance in what I'm called about.  I wonder if maybe I should look more into Youthville since they work with this area.  I'm just kind of at a loss right now and frustrated.  I love having kids in my house and don't mind most of the fostering aspect when they are here, but I don't like my life being controlled by the 'what if i have a kid or they call or...'
So my lack of children in my home is not because of lack of trying.

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