Saturday, June 23, 2012

I am Struggling

Ok it's only been a few days and I'm struggling.  G is out of control.  She doesn't listen, gets into everything, and doesn't understand NO.    I can't get her to do anything and she wanders off all the time.

Our day at my friends did not go well and by the end of the day I was extremely frustrated and they were covered in mud and water.  I know my friend was frustrated also.  We did get some pictures but not many.  We tried to go to story time at their library and I had to take my two out of the place and wait outside.   G wandered off to many times and she can open doors.

We then tried the zoo yesterday and that was a disaster.  We made it through the petting zoo and saw the monkeys.  That was it.  She would wander off or refuse to stay with me.   I tried letting both kids walk and they would go in different directions.  For awhile I put G in, but the 15 month old B got tired so I switched them and that ended in the hugest and a very long screaming fit from G.   It took 15-20 min to get from one side of the elephant enclosure to the other and there weren't even any elephants to look at.   Of course everyone passing got quite a show.

Today I begged my brother to meet us at a pool.  With two people it wasn't to bad and they both love water so that helps.  I tried to buy a kiddie pool but for some reason my water outside doesn't work.  this is also frustrating.    When we are home all that the kids do is dump things, get into things and hit each other.  Neither listens and she is the worst.  I don't' know if I can do this with them.  Nothing seems to be working.  She doesn't seem to understand cause and effect, so when she is put in time out it doesn't work and talking doesn't work.  I don't know what to do.
Maybe when my case worker is back I can convince her to let me put them in daycare even though I'm not working right now.  I don't think they will.  They both need socialization with other kids and a really structured day.    And I need some time alone and to get some things done.  

I've been putting them to bed earlier because B is always tired and G drives me nuts.  She refuses to go to sleep unless I'm in the room and that takes forever so I'm not even getting a break then.  It takes for ever.  I'm so frustrated tonight.   What am I going to do for the next 7 weeks. Ack

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