Monday, August 19, 2013

My House smells fishy.

Ok so here it goes...something very hard for me to ask and discuss so I'm just going to dive in.  As you know adoption is expensive...Very expensive btw.   I grew up knowing not to ask for financial help and honestly really haven't most of my life.  Ok so there was this one time I ended up having walking pneumonia and my mother gave me the money to go to the doctor.   I think it was really cause she was tired of listening to me wine.  (btw - if you get walking pneumonia - rest a lot, which I did not).  And my parents and my awesomespectacular grandfather have helped me out here and there, but for the most part I'm pretty independent.  I believe it is my responsibility to pay for my life.  But as I said, adoption is very expensive and honestly I can't afford it.  People often say adoption is so expensive that many people don't do it...and I now know why.  Funds have to be there suddenly and while I can't wait to have a baby to bring home, I also am dreading that moment because I don't really know where I'm going to get that last big chunk of money...and I never thought I would be sharing financial stuff ever in my life with the general population.   I"m so embarressed.....

So I'm fundraising.  Please feel free to help out in any way you can.  One of the fundraisers almost anyone can do and it doesn't cost anyone anything.  So check out what I have going so far.  

Amazon - Lots of you use and as school is starting and Christmas approaches this is a great way to help out.  Click the highlighted word there or look to the Right of my blog for the link.  When you shop on amazon and you go through this link, I get a percentage of the sale.  It doesn't affect your pricing or what is available or anything, you just have to click through this site.  So if you use Amazon a lot, make a bookmark for this link on your computer.  Use it constantly.  Please.....

Jewelry- Take a look at my Etsy shop (also on the right side) or ask me to bring the jewelry I have- I have a lot I haven't put up yet and I can always pull something off if you want to get it in person - no shipping fees that way.

Both of these provide you a product of some sort.  However if you happen to come across oh say $100 bill or $5 and you think "wow I have nothing I want to spend this money on" (because this happens all the time I'm sure)...well then please consider donating to my  fundraising site.   I feel really bad listing/asking for this type...but any help I get is extremely appreciated.

I will probably post the amazon one a lot on facebook...because it's easy and doesn't affect you any if you use it.   I feel a little...ok lot strange about just coming out and me- i'm to poor to pay for adoption fees.  Just as an FYI-  I do make enough to take care of a child (just not the large fees- which are ridiculous) and even if I have to put it all on credit cards I am going to do this adoption so please don't feel obligated to participate in any of the above-  well unless you are already ordering on Amazon.

Just as an FYI to brighten your life with things you don't care about- my house smells weirdly like fish....I don't live anywhere near's very fishy to me.


  1. I love you! I would pay for the whole thing if I could. Good luck my dear friend.
