Monday, August 12, 2013

Saying Goodbye

I am now a single alone woman again.  Today I said goodbye to my 2 boys, or rather I tried.   I was lucky enough to drive them to their new foster home.  My mother went with us thankfully as it was a little bit of a drive.   I wasn't sure what to expect - this is the first time any of my foster kids haven't been going to a family member.   I've been trying for the last few days to let the boys know what was going on- we said goodbye as we left things- but they are young and they didn't really understand.  I packed up their stuff- they came with one outfit and left with an entire year round wardrobe and a lot of toys.
I am so glad I got to take them.   Their new family had a mom and dad and two of their own boys near the same ages.   M was playing and having fun and barely said goodbye as we left (granted he probably didn't realize we weren't coming back) and E was having fun.  I really liked the foster parents.  They were a younger couple new to fostering.  The dad got down and played with the boys immediately and the mom talked to me for quite awhile.  I felt good about their new placement and hope that soon they will be out of foster care.  I think they will both do well there and after awhile will show themselves fully to the parents (E has been talking constantly -literally- for the past few days- but takes awhile to warm up in new situations).  Both kids reacted so much better than I could have hoped for and interacted way better than they would have a couple of months ago.   The hardest part was watching E as it was registering on his face I was leaving.   Thankfully we were out of sight before I could see his full reaction.    It will be sad to not have kids in the house anymore, but this was the best decision for the boys and for me right now, especially with work issues that have been occurring.   Stay tuned for my next entry about what I've learned from foster care.   :-)  

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