Thursday, July 28, 2011

My first big purchase

Today I finished my Master's program.  Woo Hoo.
On other news as I am now near the end of getting licensed (even went and got my fingerprints done today), I purchased the first thing for the room.
It's a height chart.  I was going to create my own that was going to be a birdhouse, but I saw this and it was only $10 and I liked it.  So I bought it.   I actually purchased a much larger item also.  I got a crib/changing bed set from Walmart.  Went cheap, can't afford nice stuff.  But hey it's new.  Sure hope it wasn't a mistake to buy it now and that I get to use it, sooner than later.   I decided it would be safer buying it new because beds always have recalls.   I really really hope I get to use it soon, though I still need a mattress.  :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A step closer

It's getting closer.  My last official class is next Monday.  I still have a couple weeks after that though filled with First Aid and the actual licensing.  I am getting nowhere on my house and feel very overwhelmed in doing so.   I need some storage space.  And motivation.  And time.  Thursday is my presentation for my Master's portfolio so that will be done.  Yea!  I have 3 more papers to write for that.  I'm so glad I am not waiting till October to do the portfolio.  Today I'm spending the day with 3 boys.  Ages 3, 5, 6.  Its hard to keep them entertained when A.  I had to get up at 4:30am to head to their house (and of course couldn't get to sleep till after 1am) and B.  it's 107 degrees outside.  Thankfully for the most part they are entertaining themselves...but I have resorted to turning on a movie....partially because I'm sooooo tired

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One step closer!

Today was a harsh push back into reality.   I told my boss that I may miss a few more days this year due to the fact I was fostering/adopting and his response was harsh.   "Did you really think this through?  With all your evening conflicts?  I don't think you've thought this through"   Not only did he say this but he kept repeating it.  I sometimes believe I'm not one of his favorite people anyway and I'm sure if it were anyone else he would have been supportive.  It was frustrating.   Boss man I'm sure I've thought this through and yes I've really spent some time considering all this.   Just because for whatever reason boys don't like me and I'm single and a theatre teacher, doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to have kids.  I know I need to get used to it.
On the other hand I got some good news yesterday.  One of the things I've been worried about is coming up with the money to furnish the bedroom.  Baby stuff is expensive and most poeple would have a baby shower if they were having a baby.  Anyway my case worker told me that Foster families loan out and give away stuff they don't need anymore so she is going to ask around and see what she can find.  Yippee.  
At times I do doubt if this is the smartest decision with how busy I get.  However I know I'd be good for a kid and I want to raise one and shouldn't be punished because of my career.lllllll
I'm on book 4 of 6 and have just a couple more weeks left of the training part.  I still have a lot of house to clean but it's getting closer.  And I finished my Graduate classes yesterday and now only have my portfolio to finish.  I'm presenting it next week and then I'll be done!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

I made it through the week!  And with very little problems.  My nephew behaved extremely well and all went pretty well.   I functioned as a normal person and fed him 3 good meals each day and for the most part accomplished a lot this week..  And let me tell you we had a busy week.  Packed a lot in one week that we wouldn't have done if we see him more.  Wednesday we went to a local garden place and played in the children's area.  I was so disappointed in myself because I forgot the battery for my camera.   We went with grandma (my mom) and then went to lunch and even stayed for awhile so that grandpa could see Nephew.  
It was a fun week.  Yesterday morning, he must have woke up before me as I woke up to him holding a piece of something, later to discover he had taken apart a tripod.  :-)  Thursday was the return day and when we got to his house we went swimming with his mom.   Lots of fun.   I really enjoyed my week with my Nephew, I feel that my nephew made a lot of big steps this week (that sadly were lost when returned home).  I get to spend a few more hours with him this weekend and that excites me.   
As for the fostering/adopting thing...I am very very excited to move forward.  I will admit I was a little afraid this week would make me feel differently but it definitely did not.  I am sure that I'm am doing the right thing by fostering/adopting.  I deserve a kid and honestly would do better with out an attached man to argue with.   :-)   I just hope it all works out and quickly.  I love working with little kids.   

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Trial run -continues

After sleeping 13 hrs, the nephew woke up finally.  He was extremely tired and spent most of yesterday off and on being cranky.   woo hoo.   We spent the day with family and went swimming, grilled out, played in the water at my parents, and then went to watch the fireworks- which he loved.   Nice way to spend the 4th of July.   Today though was the most fun so far.  We went to a local water park and met a bunch of family there including my cousin and her little girl.  The kids don't see each other much but they played today and both loved playing in the pool.
I also got to hold the new baby in the family so that was cool.  Really life has been going pretty good this week.   Last night nephew did not want to sleep.   We were up till 1:30am and again we are fighting sleep...well nephew is I'm not.  I'm tired.  The pool wore me out.  He slept after and I let him sleep to late again.   oops.   Tomorrow we are spending with grandma (my mom) and then thursday we head back to his house for the night.   I'm really enjoying having him here.  

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My trial run - The first 24hrs

This is my 2yr old nephew whom I have successfully brought home with me for the week.   I am using him as a test run on being a mom....ok and I really wanted to spend time with him.  We left his parent's house yesterday and drove the 3hrs home.  He thankfully slept the whole way.   As I'm going through my books and filling them out and also being around him, I am becoming more confident in my choice of adopting and adopting young.   It's interesting having him away from his parents and he's done really well.  Last night we went to supper with my parents and stopped and bought some necessities that of course weren't sent with him.   Then we came home and he went right to sleep.  He woke up only once and I only gave him a drink when he went to bed (he finished it before he fell asleep~his parents give him drinks all night- up to 1/2 a gallon of milk)  he asked for more and I told him no...he rolled over and went to sleep.  I didn't give him more till early morning not long before he got up cause he asked for a drink.   Today I took him to church with me.  He is not very good at sharing and takes toys...we had to do a time out.  However he did very well with it.  No crying and we discussed what he did and he agreed not to do it anymore and got to go play.   After church he slept all the time I was in the grocery store which I thought was funny, as did all the other shoppers around me.   I made a lunch with a lot of variety since I don't really know what he really likes and then we went to a movie this afternoon.  He fell asleep about 20 minutes into the movie and has been asleep since only waking up momentarily.  I know later tonight I'm going to totally wish I had forced him to wake up.   But he's sooooo tired.  I can't believe he is sleeping through the loud annoying fireworks outside.  he's been a good boy.  I think this is a great experience because I'm taking in a kid that hasn't really been away from mom and dad much and I see him only once a month, but I think it's a lot of the same things I'll go through taking in a foster---except my nephew does at least know me.   
So far it's going well.  I hope he sleeps most of the night and I hope that the fireworks stop soon.   My dog and cat are curled up with me cause of the dumb noise..  I wouldn't mind them so much if they could use some sort of respect for others.    
I also went back to the horse place this last week.  I talked with the owner some.  I'd like to go more...I'm still a little lost about what to do.  I spent time with the mamma's and babies.  one got mad at me for not paying attention and came over and stomped on my foot.  It's still all bruised a week later.    
Here's a picture.  It's the big brown one.   That's her baby~the youngest there.

here's a picture of the shetland pony I call pickpocket.  I forgot her name.
Enjoy the pictures.  I really should get some sleep since I know my nephew will be up sometime in the middle of the night.