Sunday, June 28, 2015

Baby J - Day 14- First sounds

 3 weeks 
2 lb 1 oz

I'm so happy to report I am back in Topeka for the majority of the rest of the summer and I'm very glad.   Baby J is on a Bubble CPAP machine which makes her face look a little odd but it's smaller and quieter and one less tube down her throat.
Here is her new machine.

The pink thing is her doll
She is also up to 11ml of food every 3 hrs and digesting it all.  I asked today when she gets to start bottles and they said not till after she was off her CPAP and they will not take her off of that until she is 1250grams.   However she does suck on things.  She has a pacifier- today she was on a little bit of a bigger one, but here is her first one
That's my pinky.
The EKG shows that her PDA has started to close on it's own.  YEA!!!   So now her two main problems are needing to gain weight and get stronger and her brain.   PLEASE pray that her brain heals itself.  It's actually been my biggest worry - she had fluid buildup but no extra bleeding when they checked it earlier in the week- so the fluid buildup needs to be soaked up in the proper places.   I know her weight will come.   She's been through a lot and now can start working on that.  

While sitting and reading today I suddenly heard a little noise from her isolate and thought I was hearing things.  It didn't click that the tube was out so she could make noise.   The nurse assured me that I would probably hear her loud and strong cry before I left (I did not) but she did make lots of noises and did semi cry as she wanted something.    That was awesome to hear.   SO the new thing today was hearing baby girl make noise and cry.   

I also held her for 90min.   She held her body heat (well covered with lots of blankets).  She likes to hold my finger. Oh and they are stopping her lipids (fats) that she has been getting via IV.  They think she is getting enough from her feedings - this does surprise me a little since she hasn't put on much weight lately.    

Today I got to see her with open eyes for a little bit as well since she is no longer under the bilirubin lights.   Tomorrow I go again to try to get a SS#.  Hopefully we have all the paperwork we need this time.    
Tiny Fingers

Here are some more pics.   Thanks for keeping up with our story.

Holding baby girl

Little itty bitty toes

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