Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Baby J- One step closer

She's lifting herself that far up.
Not a lot has been going on in our world lately.  I go to work, I come home, we go to rehearsal, we come home.   Poor baby girl...or should I say Momma, cause I wish I could stay home more...Lot harder than I expected.

We are finally with the juice everyday staring to have a BM every other day so that is a HUGE improvement.  I know...TMI...sorry.   The acid reflux meds are helping some, it isn't hurting her as much when she spits up/vomits  and it has cut down on the much later after eating spit up.   Unfortunately we are still dealing with massive spit up and vomit after eating...though I switched her formula and it has cut down long as we don't move her much after she eats and burp her lots.   I hope we get this worked out soon as I feel so bad for her.  She is spending a lot of time sleeping and I think part of it is cause she doesn't feel well.

This is how we eat 90% of the time with the dog
Baby J rolls over pretty consistently from tummy to's very hard to get tummy time in when she won't stay on her tummy.  She lifts her head very well and has really good control over it.  I think in the next few days I'm going to get our little chair out and see if she can sit in it.  She is also starting to really focus on objects and follow them better.  She is hilarious with eating time and tastes it first to see if she wants it...might be a little bit because she is getting several things.  She is also starting to stand on her legs when held up.  She wasn't doing that before.  She is pushing herself around some too.

Thankfully Baby J is doing really well with rehearsals and the kids love her.   Just got to figure out a feeding schedule that works with that and traveling to and from since we can't travel immediately.
Watching the super blood moon

Hard to believe Baby J will be 4 months in a week.   In big news of this whole process is that I met with my lawyer yesterday.  It was an interesting experience as I've never had any dealings with a lawyer.  I really liked him and it was pretty laid back.  Only lasted 15 min.   Unfortunately because it is an unknown bio father, its going to cost more....HOWEVER the lawyer thought this process will be done by the end of October.  YEA!!!!

You will also notice that Baby J is not lacking in pictures....but she is so darn cute.   Please say a short prayer that my house will soon sell....struggling a little bit with two places....I'm sure it will all work out soon....but some extra prayers won't hurt.  :-)

Heading out with Grandma to eat lunch with family while I was sick.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Baby J- One month on the outside!

 We have officially been home for 1 month.   Yea!  And I'm so happy to have a daughter.   And according to Facebook....which of course is always the truth...haha.  it's national daughter day!   Yea Baby J.  

Yesterday we had a weight check/dr appt.   I went ahead and took off because poor Baby J has not been feeling so well.  She so desperately wants to poo and her acid reflux has worsened and she was just so miserable.  

She weighed in at 7lbs even (+10oz since last visit).   Is now 17.7 inches long (+.6" since last visit) and her head circumference is 33.5cm (+.5cm).  After much conversation we walked away with a medicine for her acid reflux and being able to give her 1oz of juice a day.   The doctor said to call back in a week and if she still wasn't having BMs that she would be referred to a specialist.    Last night after the juice though she did have a BM (I know TMI).  Today has not produced the same we will see as the week goes on.   Unfortunately she is still very fussy today and kind of stuffed up.  Poor baby.
I have to say I'm awful jealous of all the new moms I know who are getting to stay at home (even temporarily) with their new little ones.   I really wish I could stay home even for a short week.  I didn't get any time off with her, but alas such is life.   I'm very lucky she is staying with her grandma and so she's still getting excellent attention.  
In other news, I finally am getting my adoption meeting with my lawyer this next week.  Sadly I found out it will cost some more and take a little longer since the father is unknown- they have to run a notice in the paper.   It's a little frustrating that the paperwork is just now getting turned over to the lawyer...especially since there was 11 weeks it could have been completed.  I also haven't recieved her medical card yet---so prescriptions are being paid for full price.   I'm a little unhappy with some organization skills of others in this process.    But with luck and prayers, the adoption will take place as quickly as possible (i'm really hoping before the year is over).
Had a wierd request from the adoption agency- birth mom suddenly wants a picture and to send a letter to me.  After a lot of thought over the situation- I decided no.   I told them she can be told that Baby J is a healthy adorable little girl, but her mother chose to literally walk away at the hospital and chose the path we are on.  She chose the closed adoption, in probably any other situation the conversation over a picture would be different.    Even though I did end up in a closed adoption, I never intend to hide the fact that Baby J is adopted from her...however I will always lie and tell her that her that her mom gave her up out of love and and I'm so very very lucky she and I found each other.  There are a lot of things that occurred during/right after her birth that I hope she never finds out about...they would be heartbreaking for her.
So Hopefully over the next few days all these changes in med/juice will help her feel better.  It's not fun seeing her in pain or fussy...especially since she hasn't been that kind of baby.  Maybe then she will also sleep a little longer at night...cause this momma is exhausted.  More because work and rehearsals than anything...but still exhausted.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Baby J and I

Today I got the joy of being with my baby girl all day.   Despite the fact that I love my job and the kids, I do wish I could be home more.   But that's not the way my life is and that's ok.   I'm just glad I can spend time with her when we can and that I have an awesome family (especially my mom) that is watching her when I can't be.  
Last night was a big night for baby J.  She attended her first rehearsal and puked everywhere.  That was fun.  I don't think she likes the car and we had driven to the other side of town before heading off to rehearsal and then ate.   Still learning about baby J and what she likes.
Today we had lunch with a friend and then met with Early Childhood for our assessment.  They said she's doing pretty good, she wasn't really active while they were here and did notice a couple things already.  But basically since we automatically qualify- she will basically just be in the services for monitoring and maybe a few activities since she is so young.   I want to keep her involved just in case we find out there are some lasting effects from her tough beginning.
You know you have become a parent when the fact that your child finally poos without stimuli is

a huge deal and worth celebrating.  Hopefully the new formula is making a difference.  That's the first time she's gone without help since we came home- so I'm hopeful.  And she isn't spitting up quite as much.  So yippee!
Found socks that fit!!
By the way, I may be bias, but I think Baby J is ADORABLE.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

Baby J- first show/ doctor doubts

It's been a busy weekend in our house.   Yesterday the church I grew up in threw a shower for us and it was so nice.    I'm so appreciative of everyone's support throughout all of this.
Last night was Baby J's first attendance at a play.  We attended Hamlet...nothing like a first show choice.   lol.   She did really well except about half way through when her belly started to hurt and she started to get sick.  Never came all the way up but you could tell she was in pain.   As a friend was holding her, two people thought she was a doll at first and it was funny to hear them taken aback when they realized she is indeed real.  

Speaking of which I'm extremely frustrated with our doctor and may be searching out a new one.  for the most part we have really liked her, BUT on Friday, my mom asked about trying a different formula because she is so sick from it.  The doctor told her that we needed to keep her on neosure and even when my mother asked about other brands for preemies- the doctor informed her there were no other brands here in the USA.  Guess what I found at Walmart tonight...the other brand- enfimel.  Yes it may not work and it may not make a difference...HOWEVER there is another brand for preemies.   Of course similar is what is given to doctors and hospitals and they really push that...but shouldn't the baby be first over a brand.   I can't believe she told my mother a flat out lie.   So we are going to try the other brand of preemie formula to see if maybe it might help.  There is a good possibility it will not (however when checking out other people's stories online- some the different brand made a difference).  In the mean time I have to decide if I want to keep going to her.   Very frustrating since I do over all like her..but that's a huge oversight that can't easily be forgiven.

Yesterday I gave Baby J a bath and she got mad that I didn't put her head in the water so she wiggled her way (after letting me know I'd made an error) over to have her head in the water.  She probably could have stayed in the bath for a long time.   She put herself that way in the pictures.   She is definitely getting a much more vocal voice.  

Her new favorite thing to do is to be put up on your chest and to roll herself to one side or the other.  tonight she even pushed off with her legs.   Good thing i was there to catch her.  

It's fun to watch her grow.   My mom gets to see more..but that's ok- I will be on summer break when she is even more fun and interactive.  Tomorrow is her first rehearsal to attend.   The students are looking forward to meeting her.   Hopefully she does ok with that.  

Friday, September 11, 2015

Baby J. - New Parent questions

So my poor baby is totally constipated and has been basically since we came home.   So after freaking myself out over a fear of NEC, I called the doctor today.  I also was afraid she had not been growing as much as she should since she's been getting sick.  However the doctor assured us everything was fine.  

So today at 5 days adjusted and almost 14 weeks baby J is 6lbs 6oz (13% - up from 4% last week) , is still 19inches long (13% down from 16 percentile), and has a head circumference of 33cm (6% down from 10%)...not that percentiles mean much to me.   She's growing and over 6lbs.  Hard to believe.  

She has been really starting to play on her mat and reaching for some things.   She also turned over today at the doctors in front of the doctor from Stomach to back.  Sadly I wasn't there....something I must accept since I will probably miss several firsts---but at least they will be with grandma and not a daycare.  

She's such a cutie.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Happy 3 Months Baby J

Ok technically it was yesterday that Baby J turned 3 months old.  However after going to visit my nephews and getting home through the storm I was way to exhausted to write a blog.

I do plan on keeping this blog updated.   Just won't write as much as I did in the hospital.   With school, rehearsals, and baby J...not as much time as I need to do it a lot...And well not much is happening.  

This weekend was a big weekend, Baby J went on her first trip- we went to Tulsa to see my nephews and for her to meet her cousins.   It was a one night trip and probably a little to much for her.    But it was so nice to see the boys.

She's been spitting up a little more lately and it has us a little worried, but we pass it off as changes in her schedule and environment.   ok really she is getting puking down quite well.  covered both grandma and I yesterday.

Mostly I am just sharing pics today as she is ADORABLE.    At 3 months Baby J, smiles a lot, rolls from Back to side, lifts her head really well, reaches some for things and loves to be held- especially by Mom.   We also like to read books and play on our play mat.  Tummy time is ok as long as it isn't very long.    oh and we love bath time. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Baby J- Loving life

Baby J went to a doctors appointment yesterday and is 5lbs 12oz and 19 inch long.  She is getting quite long.   We have had a busy week.  My aunt, family, and a couple friends held a baby shower on Sunday.  It was so nice.   I'm looking forward to Saturday this week as I have nothing planned.   Maybe I can finally get some things put away in my apartment.

We also had a meeting with early childhood and will be assessed in a couple weeks, though she qualifies automatically because of her birth weight/age.   Though right now she seems to be doing well.  She smiles alot and swats at things...especially when on the floor mat.   She also rolls from her back to her side a lot.  Mainly just sharing pictures.  This weekend we are going to go meet her cousins- my nephews and I'm so excited to see them.  I haven't seen them since June.  

Hopefully now the adoption part will move quickly!