Thursday, September 3, 2015

Baby J- Loving life

Baby J went to a doctors appointment yesterday and is 5lbs 12oz and 19 inch long.  She is getting quite long.   We have had a busy week.  My aunt, family, and a couple friends held a baby shower on Sunday.  It was so nice.   I'm looking forward to Saturday this week as I have nothing planned.   Maybe I can finally get some things put away in my apartment.

We also had a meeting with early childhood and will be assessed in a couple weeks, though she qualifies automatically because of her birth weight/age.   Though right now she seems to be doing well.  She smiles alot and swats at things...especially when on the floor mat.   She also rolls from her back to her side a lot.  Mainly just sharing pictures.  This weekend we are going to go meet her cousins- my nephews and I'm so excited to see them.  I haven't seen them since June.  

Hopefully now the adoption part will move quickly!


  1. What a precious little gal you have. May God cover you both with His blessings of health and love.
