Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Happy 3 Months Baby J

Ok technically it was yesterday that Baby J turned 3 months old.  However after going to visit my nephews and getting home through the storm I was way to exhausted to write a blog.

I do plan on keeping this blog updated.   Just won't write as much as I did in the hospital.   With school, rehearsals, and baby J...not as much time as I need to do it a lot...And well not much is happening.  

This weekend was a big weekend, Baby J went on her first trip- we went to Tulsa to see my nephews and for her to meet her cousins.   It was a one night trip and probably a little to much for her.    But it was so nice to see the boys.

She's been spitting up a little more lately and it has us a little worried, but we pass it off as changes in her schedule and environment.   ok really she is getting puking down quite well.  covered both grandma and I yesterday.

Mostly I am just sharing pics today as she is ADORABLE.    At 3 months Baby J, smiles a lot, rolls from Back to side, lifts her head really well, reaches some for things and loves to be held- especially by Mom.   We also like to read books and play on our play mat.  Tummy time is ok as long as it isn't very long.    oh and we love bath time. 

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