Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Baby J and I

Today I got the joy of being with my baby girl all day.   Despite the fact that I love my job and the kids, I do wish I could be home more.   But that's not the way my life is and that's ok.   I'm just glad I can spend time with her when we can and that I have an awesome family (especially my mom) that is watching her when I can't be.  
Last night was a big night for baby J.  She attended her first rehearsal and puked everywhere.  That was fun.  I don't think she likes the car and we had driven to the other side of town before heading off to rehearsal and then ate.   Still learning about baby J and what she likes.
Today we had lunch with a friend and then met with Early Childhood for our assessment.  They said she's doing pretty good, she wasn't really active while they were here and did notice a couple things already.  But basically since we automatically qualify- she will basically just be in the services for monitoring and maybe a few activities since she is so young.   I want to keep her involved just in case we find out there are some lasting effects from her tough beginning.
You know you have become a parent when the fact that your child finally poos without stimuli is

a huge deal and worth celebrating.  Hopefully the new formula is making a difference.  That's the first time she's gone without help since we came home- so I'm hopeful.  And she isn't spitting up quite as much.  So yippee!
Found socks that fit!!
By the way, I may be bias, but I think Baby J is ADORABLE.  

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