Thursday, September 24, 2015

Baby J- One month on the outside!

 We have officially been home for 1 month.   Yea!  And I'm so happy to have a daughter.   And according to Facebook....which of course is always the truth...haha.  it's national daughter day!   Yea Baby J.  

Yesterday we had a weight check/dr appt.   I went ahead and took off because poor Baby J has not been feeling so well.  She so desperately wants to poo and her acid reflux has worsened and she was just so miserable.  

She weighed in at 7lbs even (+10oz since last visit).   Is now 17.7 inches long (+.6" since last visit) and her head circumference is 33.5cm (+.5cm).  After much conversation we walked away with a medicine for her acid reflux and being able to give her 1oz of juice a day.   The doctor said to call back in a week and if she still wasn't having BMs that she would be referred to a specialist.    Last night after the juice though she did have a BM (I know TMI).  Today has not produced the same we will see as the week goes on.   Unfortunately she is still very fussy today and kind of stuffed up.  Poor baby.
I have to say I'm awful jealous of all the new moms I know who are getting to stay at home (even temporarily) with their new little ones.   I really wish I could stay home even for a short week.  I didn't get any time off with her, but alas such is life.   I'm very lucky she is staying with her grandma and so she's still getting excellent attention.  
In other news, I finally am getting my adoption meeting with my lawyer this next week.  Sadly I found out it will cost some more and take a little longer since the father is unknown- they have to run a notice in the paper.   It's a little frustrating that the paperwork is just now getting turned over to the lawyer...especially since there was 11 weeks it could have been completed.  I also haven't recieved her medical card yet---so prescriptions are being paid for full price.   I'm a little unhappy with some organization skills of others in this process.    But with luck and prayers, the adoption will take place as quickly as possible (i'm really hoping before the year is over).
Had a wierd request from the adoption agency- birth mom suddenly wants a picture and to send a letter to me.  After a lot of thought over the situation- I decided no.   I told them she can be told that Baby J is a healthy adorable little girl, but her mother chose to literally walk away at the hospital and chose the path we are on.  She chose the closed adoption, in probably any other situation the conversation over a picture would be different.    Even though I did end up in a closed adoption, I never intend to hide the fact that Baby J is adopted from her...however I will always lie and tell her that her that her mom gave her up out of love and and I'm so very very lucky she and I found each other.  There are a lot of things that occurred during/right after her birth that I hope she never finds out about...they would be heartbreaking for her.
So Hopefully over the next few days all these changes in med/juice will help her feel better.  It's not fun seeing her in pain or fussy...especially since she hasn't been that kind of baby.  Maybe then she will also sleep a little longer at night...cause this momma is exhausted.  More because work and rehearsals than anything...but still exhausted.  

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