So my poor baby is totally constipated and has been basically since we came home. So after freaking myself out over a fear of NEC, I called the doctor today. I also was afraid she had not been growing as much as she should since she's been getting sick. However the doctor assured us everything was fine.

So today at 5 days adjusted and almost 14 weeks baby J is 6lbs 6oz (13% - up from 4% last week) , is still 19inches long (13% down from 16 percentile), and has a head circumference of 33cm (6% down from 10%)...not that percentiles mean much to me. She's growing and over 6lbs. Hard to believe.
She has been really starting to play on her mat and reaching for some things. She also turned over today at the doctors in front of the doctor from Stomach to back. Sadly I wasn't there....something I must accept since I will probably miss several firsts---but at least they will be with grandma and not a daycare.
She's such a cutie.
Is she on neosure formula? That constipated my son (26 weeker) when he came home from the hospital. The pediatrician had me give me some prune juice every day which seemed to help a little.