Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Baby J- One step closer

She's lifting herself that far up.
Not a lot has been going on in our world lately.  I go to work, I come home, we go to rehearsal, we come home.   Poor baby girl...or should I say Momma, cause I wish I could stay home more...Lot harder than I expected.

We are finally with the juice everyday staring to have a BM every other day so that is a HUGE improvement.  I know...TMI...sorry.   The acid reflux meds are helping some, it isn't hurting her as much when she spits up/vomits  and it has cut down on the much later after eating spit up.   Unfortunately we are still dealing with massive spit up and vomit after eating...though I switched her formula and it has cut down long as we don't move her much after she eats and burp her lots.   I hope we get this worked out soon as I feel so bad for her.  She is spending a lot of time sleeping and I think part of it is cause she doesn't feel well.

This is how we eat 90% of the time with the dog
Baby J rolls over pretty consistently from tummy to's very hard to get tummy time in when she won't stay on her tummy.  She lifts her head very well and has really good control over it.  I think in the next few days I'm going to get our little chair out and see if she can sit in it.  She is also starting to really focus on objects and follow them better.  She is hilarious with eating time and tastes it first to see if she wants it...might be a little bit because she is getting several things.  She is also starting to stand on her legs when held up.  She wasn't doing that before.  She is pushing herself around some too.

Thankfully Baby J is doing really well with rehearsals and the kids love her.   Just got to figure out a feeding schedule that works with that and traveling to and from since we can't travel immediately.
Watching the super blood moon

Hard to believe Baby J will be 4 months in a week.   In big news of this whole process is that I met with my lawyer yesterday.  It was an interesting experience as I've never had any dealings with a lawyer.  I really liked him and it was pretty laid back.  Only lasted 15 min.   Unfortunately because it is an unknown bio father, its going to cost more....HOWEVER the lawyer thought this process will be done by the end of October.  YEA!!!!

You will also notice that Baby J is not lacking in pictures....but she is so darn cute.   Please say a short prayer that my house will soon sell....struggling a little bit with two places....I'm sure it will all work out soon....but some extra prayers won't hurt.  :-)

Heading out with Grandma to eat lunch with family while I was sick.


  1. She slept almost the whole time at lunch. I see why. She was so awake and alert before she left and wore herself out! She's precious.
