Thursday, July 2, 2015

Baby J Day 18

Sorry no pics today. I was struggling today with myself and overwhelmed at the thought of school and taking care of a baby in the NICU 2hrs away and with my house not selling and problems with trying to get Baby J insurance.  Just wanted to write a little update though.  Today I started a list of things I might need- it ended quickly because I don't know what she will need when she leaves.  I don't know if she will be on special food or bottles or what size she will be.  I have a lot of stuff so what I need is dependent on this.   By the way if you have a car seat you really like let me know.   I am looking for a good infant car seat that starts at 4 lbs.

The nutritionist came in today and she is also very concerned that Baby J hasn't gained weight.  She is hoping by Sundayish (yes I just made that word up) she will be up to full strength food calories and slowly up her food.   At this time they will also take her off the IV fluids - the transfusion messed up her food intake and removing the IV fluids.   But since she's through with the steroids and they are upping her food slowly- we should start to see some big gains.  IN fact tonight she came in at a whopping 2 lbs 3.5 oz - the biggest I've seen her at so far.  She supposedly gained 50 grams overnight.  I'm a little skeptical of that so we shall see tomorrow.

I'm a little worried she isn't feeling well and they haven't noticed as she was a little more mellow today and while i was holding her she just couldn't get her oxygen numbers under control.   Praying this isn't illness and just a tired girl.  I love seeing her awake a little more before meal time so that is nice.  Also I feel good cause I can calm her down.  Today I kept her still while they did a follow up EKG and mostly all I had to do was hold her hand.  That made my day.

It is still very surreal that she is my little girl now.   I'm sure it will eventually feel more real.  Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and all the support we have seen.

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