Monday, July 20, 2015

Baby J - Day 44- Grandparent day!

Today Baby J weighed 2 lb 15 oz.   This is a BIG deal as it is now officially 1 lb heavier than birth weight.   Though she will probably lose a little bit tomorrow (it's her pattern and she had a huge increase today).    It also means she is sooooooooo close to 3 lbs.   YIPPEE

Biggest improvement is that they went to full time high flow today and she is doing pretty darn good on it.    Today Baby J had another brain scan (I'll know more about that tomorrow) and OT came in today.   Overall doing really well.   Her feeding tube got moved to her nose and now she can suck on her pacifier much better and isn't slobbering anymore since there isn't anything in her mouth.

Another big event today.  My parents came to visit them and I asked permission for them to get to hold her.  So Grandma and Grandpa got to hold baby J today for the first time.  
The nurse who came in to wrap her up (not our nurse) to give baby J to them didn't hook up the oxygen and so she went for almost an hour without it.   Oops that neither the nurse nor I noticed this huge mistake...thankfully she did very well without it.   I was told today after a couple days on it they will start to either put her on low flow or just take it away. More than likely they will try to go without.   

I also found out today that they have not been increasing the caffeine amount with her weight and she will probably be weaned off it by gestational age 34 weeks - which is next week.   Once she is off high flow oxygen they will probably start trying a bottle cause she's almost old enough now to start.  She needs to get a little bit bigger though for bottles, just because they don't want her using more energy on that and not gaining.

 I think I forgot to mention she has developed a small hernia, but they said it's no big deal and will
probably resolve itself eventually.  

Tonight apparently while I was out of the room the cover on the bed got knocked off so the nurse used a temporary blanket while she went to get another cover.   Baby J was in awe of the new thing above her.  The cover is white and the blanket was a dark purple. It was fun to watch her stare at it.  She's really starting to focus on things around her.

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