Thursday, July 9, 2015

Baby J

Uh Oh already tired of Mama's picture taking
Today we have a 2 1/2 pounder!!!   2lb 6.1oz.    And hopefully we don't go down again.   Baby girl had a good day today and has been moved up to 22ml of food every 3 hrs so we are creeping closer and closer to an ounce of food at a time.  

KCSL sent me a very nice care package today and someone from there came and took me out to lunch.  That was awesome.   They have been such a help with the SS # and trying to get insurance.  I'm super appreciative of it.   I'm not sure why everything with this has been like an adoption has never happened with a's been interesting.  I'm thankful there are people helping out.    Speaking of which baby girl finally has a SS#.  Yea!!!

That's really all.   I was just really excited about the 2 1/2 lbs.

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