Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Baby J- Happy 1 month!!!

Today Baby J is one month old!   She has now been matched with me for 3 weeks 1 day.   And she is doing really well.   Tonight she weighed in at 2 lbs 5.7oz

I had to go home for a couple of days to move stuff to a storage shed, get my house carpeted and cleaned (please someone buy it) and while I was away she started to sprout.  I felt like I should be here and was anxious while I was not- should make starting school a lot of fun.  Ha ha.  I'm really excited to start my new job actually.   I just wish she was closer.

So enough about me.   Other Baby J news- she is still 19ml, 24 calories every 3 hrs and for the most part digesting it all.   Her brain scan from yesterday showed some improvement.  I'm not sure yet what that means but it wasn't worse and it wasn't the same.   :-)    That makes me happy.  Tomorrow I will find out- I got there to late today.    Sadly baby J has her first diaper rash cause she has been pooing like crazy.  Tonight first experience with my own kid not finished yet as I was changing her - definately not my first time ever,,,,but still gross.   Poor baby her little bum (which is finally starting to sort of appear) is very red.   They found some special diaper rash cream for it so hopefully it will get better.

That's pretty much all folks.
This is how Baby J was sleeping tonight- it is not the way the nurse put her.  :-)

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