Monday, July 13, 2015

Baby J Day 37

As you noticed I jumped a bunch of numbers and am now using the number of days Baby J has been in NICU (AKA since she was born) instead of the number of days I've been with her.

Baby J is 2 lbs 9oz so we are finally starting to move up.  If she kept gaining every day she could easily be off the BCPAP by the end of the week and on high flo oxygen.   So much is dependent on 1250grams which I believe is 2 lb 12 oz, including the CPAP and clothes.  Once she moves to high flow she will also be able to start bottle feeding at 34 weeks gestational age.

The occupational therapist came through this morning - I was not here- but the nurse said she thought Baby J looked good.  Her muscle tone is good and her movements are good.   The only concern is getting her head shaped.  It's a little long now (kind of like an avocado)- so they are supposed to start placing her so it can round out.  

I'm still holding her only once a day as she is having some trouble keeping her temperature correct.  Of course that is probably cause she hasn't gotten much bigger.    Not that you can tell her she isn't big.   Baby J can undo herself from most positions, partially role over, pull her feeding tube out, and pull her cpap off.   In fact she has figured out if she breathes through her mouth it does not bubble.  

She can also lift her head some when she doesn't have it all on.
Lifting her head up.   She can actually lift it pretty far.

She is also starting to stay awake a lot more and has even been awake up to a half hour and is looking around more and more.  For the most part all her vitals have been really good, she keeps good oxygen levels and does well without the CPAP- everyone wishes she was big enough to get off of it.  

She also has moved up to a 3 babies to one nurse instead of 2 babies to a nurse, so that shows she's doing well and more stable.

I'm very frustrated that she isn't on insurance yet.   She qualifies automatically for medicaid because of her weight, but it hasn't been applied for and because she technically is in the custody of KCSL they should apply for it.   That way she is her own entitity and it won't be dropped the minute she is released from the hospital.   Maybe this wouldn't have been such a big deal if I wasn't in the middle of a job switch, but it is and I asked several times before committing to this match about this.   I'm really worried because she is already a month old and if she suddenly started to put on weight she could easily go home earlier.   Plus I don't have million and millions of dollars for this stay.  (in fact please feel free to still donate to my site so I can continue to come up here)
Baby J loves to stretch her legs out!

In other news still no offers on my house.    I guess I may have to unpack everything and move back in.  It's only been shown 3 times since May.   I was really hoping to have a new place for baby j to come home to.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow--she is SO little! I've never seen a baby so small! Sounds like she is making progress and that's GREAT! I thought it was funny that she has figured out how to pull out her feeding tube and cpap.....of course, that's not good, but shows that she's smart.

    Hopefully, the insurance thing will get worked out soon---I know that has got to be a major concern for you.

    Keep hangin' on!
