Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Baby J- Day 46- We have a 3lb baby!!

So much for not posting every day...but so much keeps changing.   Tonight Baby J weighed in at 3lb exactly.  Today I also watched her climb her way up the bed
every time I walked over to see her, she pretended to be asleep
She got quite a ways.  I kept trying to move her tube so she didn't choke.
Then while I wasn't looking she turned her head the other much for moving the tube out of her way.  This picture is after I moved her oxygen tube to the other side.
Today she also got her first bath in a 'tub'.  She loved it!  She's had sponge baths and had her hair washed but that's it so far.


 You will also notice something missing in her room.  
Hint:  a machine!!

Today Baby J was put on low flow oxygen (the doctor said she won't be on that long because her oxygen levels are high- though her breathing numbers are high sometimes)

So instead of a machine on a stand- it's something hooked up into the wall and it has a nice comfortable nose piece.  

Tomorrow I get to go to a 'baby care' class.  That should be interesting.   We are slowly getting closer to coming home.   Just need to keep adding weight.  It would be awesome if she could come home earlier-  I am a little stressed/worried about when school starts and I can't come up as much.   And I think she will come home before her due date.  She's such a strong, amazing little girl.


  1. I came across your blog this morning and wanted to say what I wonderful thing you are doing. My son, Brandon, was born at 26 weeks, 1 day. He turned 7 in July and is doing great. Please let me know if you have any questions. I have a blog that I still update if you want to see it. Let me know. Congratulations! Baby J is beautiful.
