Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Baby J- Day 45- First Dressing!

Sorry for overwhelming the digital world with pics of my baby and life.   I really was going to wait for a couple days but Big things are happening- both good and not so good news today....well ok tiny things cause baby J isn't very big.  Today she weighed 2 lb 15 oz still but gained 20 grams.  So close to 3lb.   While she is in the same bed, it is no longer controlling her temperature.  This morning they made her start doing it and she did well.. so by afternoon, Baby J got to wear her first outfit.  This is a micro preemie outfit I bought online.  We just put it on for pics (partially cause I thought that she would need to be in a sleeper).   I just wanted a picture in it to show how small she was when she gets older.

But her temperature was staying warm and so she got put in a onesie.    Too bad.  We could have probably just left on the dress...But I'm not complaining, I got a picture and my baby is finally big enough to keep warm and wear clothes.  She was wide awake when the nurse came in to see if she could wear clothes, so she was happy for the new experience as well.

So excited for clothes.   
In other news, the doctor came and talked to me about the brain scan from yesterday.  They will no longer be doing daily measurements of her head and will no longer be conducting weekly scans.   It looked way better.   (see picture below).   He said it was very unusual to see the kind of recovery that Baby J has had. We will still need to follow it and make sure other parts of the brain haven't suffered but it looks great!!  This is the best news ever that it was looking better.  And I know it's because everyone is praying for her- so thank you so much!

The first picture is a normal brain top, the second was Baby J's on June 20, the red is bleeds and you will also see it was very large ventricles.  The last one is the scan from July 20.  It has gone back down to a good size and although you can't see it in my picture of the doctor's drawing- there is some blood still in it, but not much.  He thinks as she grows it will work itself back to normal.  YEA!!!!!!

Please keep praying though as today the eye doctor came and baby girl does have stage one of Retinopathy of prematurity.  Basically it means the blood vessels aren't developing correctly.  They will come back next week and see if it's progressing fast or not.  It is something that can clear up on it's own, but it's also something that can make her retina's pull away from the back of her eye (so can cause blindness)

 So I know I'm becoming one of those 'moms' but at least it's in blog form and not individual pictures on facebook....yet.   Ha ha.  I couldn't help but share, especially with everyone who had been supporting both in prayers and other ways during this and since I started the adoption process over 4 years ago.  I'm so happy she's doing well and hope soon she will be able to come home (though I want the eyes to be better).   She technically has about 7 more weeks till her 'due date' or what we assume it is, but I wouldn't be surprised if she comes home before then - if she can put on some more weight and does well with a bottle when they start her on that.   The discharge coordinator did come in and tell me I needed to attend the parent baby care class and so I am attending that on Thursday.  It's the first time I have met her so while we still may have a while...we are moving forward!!!


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