Thursday, July 16, 2015

Baby J. Day 40

After a quick jaunt home, I arrived back at the hospital this evening.   Tonight baby J weighed in at
2 lb 10.7 oz. (same as last night)   We are finally moving in the right direction.
The bigger news is though that they started windowing her today.  I know you are wondering what the heck?    Windowing means they are starting her on high flow oxygen and starting to see if she can handle being off the Bubble CPAP (which everyone knows she is ready).  They start with an hour and slowly build up each day.  Today she did it for an hour and did not set any alarms off.    The exciting thing about this is that they weren't supposed to start it till she was 1250 grams (another 2 more ounces), so they broke their protocol for it and started her early.   YEA!!   Everyone, including Baby J, has been ready to get her off the BCPAP for awhile now so we are making movements towards that.   The two machines don't look much different, but the high flow will be more comfortable for Baby J.  It sounds like a long process, but maybe it will go faster when she does well.
The one closest to the camera is the new machine.
In other health related news, I'm not sure if I mentioned that her brain scan this week still looked better.  The blood clot had started at approximately 15mm and now is 2 mm, barely even there.   So hopefully that will continue to clear up quickly.

They stopped Baby J's protein for awhile and are giving her canola oil instead.   This is because her bottom is not healing and is still broke open so they are hoping this will stop some of the messier diapers for awhile to help it heal.

BTW it was not a fluke that she can lift her head.  Tonight even with all that gear she lifted her head and started to turn it.  She can't quite get it high enough to turn when she's on her tummy.  But it was definitely in the air.  
Really, Mom?  more pictures!

Oh and we have applied for insurance.  I can't honestly remember my post from the other day and I'm sure this news came as I was leaving the hospital to head towards home.   It was so nice to see my puppies and cat for a while.


  1. Hi there! I came across your story on Facebook and it all brought tears to my eyes! You are an amazing woman with such a good heart! I've reached out to some friends of mine and one of them owns a children's boutique and would like to send you some preemie outfits. Please let me know what would be the best way to send them! Prayers to you, momma! :)

    1. oh my goodness. Thank you so much. She's a special baby and I'm lucky to have been matched with her. I appreciate that so much. My address is
      C. Conley
      301 SW 11th
      Newton, KS 67114

