Sunday, August 2, 2015

Baby J- Day 57- 8 weeks old!

Baby J is 8 weeks old today so we are at 35 weeks gestational age.  
Today she weighed 3lb 12 oz
And because I was there all of her feeding times started with the bottle.  She ate at least half of every feeding and some she ate much more.  Two of them she ate 24/25 ml of 32ml from a bottle.   I know they are all professionals but every baby is different and she doesn't necessarily show the 'correct' signs to give her the bottle but she always takes it willingly and sometimes won't let me take it out.   Sometimes today she had a hard time keeping her stats up...but for the most part she did very well.  Two of the times- I decided we were done with the bottle before she did because she couldn't get her Oxygen back up high enough to keep it from setting off alarms consistantly.   I'm so proud of her.

BTW - while this is not the actual say so...the doctor said if she continues to do well, she could probably be going home in two weeks.  YEA!!!  Of course she has to hold her body temp and get all the food by bottle.  He said it all depended on her at this point.  It could even be shorter...or longer.  I was very clear tonight to our night nurse that I want him to try the bottle and that she didn't necessarily show the same signs they are looking for.   She eats with her eyes closed most of the time...but isn't asleep.  I hope he will try.   (PS- I am actually very grateful for the nurses- this one thing just bugs me)

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is my last weekday that I can be there.  i'm very sad about it and having a hard time adjusting to that.   I hope they will feed her with the bottle and she will continue to gain like she has been....sadly though thus far those two things only happen when I'm here.   Thankfully my mom and aunt are going to help out while i'm in school and try to be up here when I can't.    I am going to make this new baby, new job thing work.  Enjoy some of our 8 week pics.  Someday I will go back and edit some of them.

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