Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Baby J- Day 74

Picture courteous of Aunt.
Tonight baby J weighed weighed 4lb 15.2oz .  Hard to believe that is 3lbs bigger than she started out just a few short months ago.    That means she will no longer fit in preemies much longer.

Sunday's incident has bought her at least 7 days in the hospital.   The doctor mentioned (if there were no more incidents) the 24th to my mom......however I have auditions on Monday and Tuesday so that may be a small/large problem.  I'm hoping I can either go and bring her back with my Sunday or she just stays till Wed.   I am soooooooooooooooooo ready to have her home.  Being away from her is becoming a little torturous. Though this extended time does allow her to possibly acquire insurance.   That is still a big mess and I don't really understand why it's such a big mess.

Picture courteous of my Mom.  I don't know why she has two pacifiers.  Lol
It's also really hard having the coming home date be up in the air.  I need to plan....I know it can't be helped.  This also worked out where I will have the new apartment/townhome when she comes home so no long driving daily for her.   Too bad I still have my stupid house.   :-)

Overall Baby J is doing really well. Her eyes were still Stage 2 and had grown into another area, but still nothing much to worry about.  I'm so glad my Mom and Aunt have been able to be with her so she isn't alone.   Since she does so well she's pretty much left alone by the nurses.  They have babies in more need than her now.  She is eating 2oz of food at almost every feeding and does pretty well with all of them.   It's hard to believe she will be home soon and I will have someone else with me always.

I can't wait till everyone can meet her.   While there have been so many things that have gone wrong with paperwork issues and ups and downs....I'm so lucky to get to be her momma.  I can't wait till we can make it official or rather legal.   I've got so many things going well right now and I am so blessed, Baby J is the biggest one of all.

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