Two months ago a teeny tiny little miracle came into the world at 1lb 15oz. After battling so many obstacles we have arrived to a totally new baby at 2months old. She now weighs 4lb 1oz (yea she waited till I could be back for it) and not only has she overcome health issues she now can hold her head up some and turn it different directions on her own, she can wiggle her way up an inclined bed, and she smiles often. Tonight she finished her entire bottle for the first time for me (I know she has done it a couple of
one Week old here. She's changed alot! |
times this week while I've been away).
I love my new job so far, but it's been very hard being away from her this week. I'm ok with the working part- it's the not being able to see her at all during the week.

I am very thankful for a wonderful staff at the hospital, but it's frustrating me that they aren't giving her the bottle more often. Today I was informed they were only doing every other one. Yet I fed her two bottles in a row and the first she ate 2/3 of it and the next one she ate all of it. And honestly tonight she could have eaten more. I guess I'm mostly frustrated because there is absolutely nothing else keeping her at the hospital...especially now that she is over 4lb. How is she supposed to improve if they refuse to feed her. She doesn't even set off alarms when I'm feeding her. I was very impressed tonight as she was awake for over 90min and ate all the bottle without burping...Instead of burping, she practiced holding her head up....don't worry it came out the other end.

I can't believe how lucky we have been with her and how well she is doing. I did find out that both eyes do have stage 2 ROP, but again not really something to worry about at this point...and as you can tell right now she sees just fine. It was a lot of fun interacting with her for such a long time tonight. The nurse made it clear that since she was awake for so long...she will be to tired next time and she'll probably just gavage feed her. WHAT!?!?! I told her she should try.
When I got to the Ronald McDonald house I found out they changed the passcode and thought I would have to go find a hotel...thankfully they have a night staff person who let me in.

I'm very very excited to start my job with kids next week. So far I love the mentality of the administration, the staff I've met, and the few kids I've interacted with. They have been great and I'm very excited. I do wish it was another couple weeks so I could get baby girl home, but I will figure out how to make it work (with the help of family). Sorry I must be a little tired as I realize this post seems a little on teh downer side when in reality so many things are going well. My house was shown again tonight (sadly it was not in perfect organization since I have been living there). Please please keep your fingers crossed it will sell soon.
While I don't get the fun of taking those fun monthly pics I did get several today so enjoy this beautiful little girl's 2 month pics.

These are all after she ate and was still wide awake.

I'm keeping you both in my prayers. Such a blessing and a gift from God. She's beautiful and amazing and so are you!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing! Way to go girls <3