Yesterday my brother, dad, and I drove up to see her for a little bit. It was Uncle's first time holding her. He was pretty happy about that as well.
Baby girl is now getting formula part of the feeds to start switching her over and apparently is finishing those bottles. She has been getting much better at eating her bottles and we are still moving forward.
My mom asked the doctor if he knew when baby J would get out and he assured her it would have to be after she was taking all feeds by bottle, but that they would do a MRI when she was close....Yeah she had that on Monday. We really are just waiting on the catching on to eating completely by the bottle. Everyone is amazed at how well she is already doing. She's technically on a 'Haberman" still and not a bottle, but same thing. I know she is still setting off alarms some when she eats, but not much.
It was nice seeing her yesterday. She held on to me really tight.
It was so cute.
I wish I could be there all the time, but I need to work (and thus far I LOVE my new job).
The people from Ronald McDonald house got me 2 bibs they say "Little Miss Behaving" ha ha. And look at those ADORABLE outfits a former student brought me tonight. She brought me several clothing peices and an awesome gift card to sonic. That was extremely nice of her and it was great to see her. I know there are some clothes at my parents house too. My baby is going to be styling and CUTE. I can't wait till she comes home.....
Speaking of which, don't get to excited yet, but today I recieved a call from the hospital case worker. She was trying to set up an appointment for Baby J at her pediatrician, but they only let the parent set it up. So she was trying for next Friday because they want baby girl to be seen within a week of leaving. She also said it is totally up to Baby J when she will get out. She could stall out on the progress, but she thinks it will be soon and wants the initial appointment to be set up and just changed if needed. I don't think she's quite that ready and think it will be closer to the weekend before she is ready so I set it up for the 26th. Baby J may be coming home very very soon. She will have lots of appointments with other people as well so that should be fun. She also told me I may not have much warning when she does come home. I might show up and they will say she can go. She acted like it could be Monday or Tuesday. I would really like her to wait till Friday. I don't think it will be Monday or Tuesday. Mom said a nurse said she has to take all her food by bottle for 48 hrs.
Hopefully her insurance stuff will come in very very soon. It's been almost 5 weeks since the application went in. And hopefully tomorrow I will hear that my application for the apartment was accepted. Any way I hope I do hear tomorrow. I really need to know what my address will be for all the hospital paperwork.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I will meet the rest of my students, but I'm also looking forward to going back to to be with Baby J for the weekend. Sure would be nice to have her home and closer. And I know lots of people who want to meet her.
Aw...............................so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!